Friendship- where hearts connect

Friendships are special relationships that offer both parties support, happiness, affection, companionship that can promote positivity in their lives.


The International Day of Friendship was officially established in 2011 by the United Nations General Assembly. It is an idea where friendship between nations, countries, cultures of individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.

Friendship involves mutual understanding and a shared spirit of community and can develop because two people have much in common or because they have little in common.



For most of us, a friendship is someone we feel connected to and who is there for us in some way. It's a stable, long-lasting bond, it's positive and collaborative, and it's helpfully reciprocal.


"I'm here for you, you're here for me"

"A friend who listens to you"

"You feel good when you're around them"

"They are empathetic towards you"

"They are able to forgive and apologize"



"They're only there when they need something"

"They often hurt other friends"

"They do not tolerate differences"

"They are often scaly"

"They are pushy and don't understand"



CHILDHOOD FRIENDSHIPS Can be a healthy part of childhood and adolescence, offering young people the opportunity to build important relationship skills and connect with others outside of their families who understand what they are going through at their age. Childhood friendships are formed during the formative years, usually with peers of the same or similar age.

ADULT FRIENDSHIPS - Making friendships as an adult can seem more difficult than making friendships in childhood. In addition, adults are often more rooted in their personality traits and interests, while children are still searching for themselves and can more naturally socialize with more potential new friends.


FAMILY FRIENDSHIPS - Having similar life experiences and a long history is common between families, which can be the basis for a strong bond of friendship.


ONLINE FRIENDSHIPSThese connections can be valuable and are often made through social media networks, online groups or forums dedicated to a particular interest, life experience, industry or hobby that can form the basis of friendships.



A genuine relationship of mutual affection, platonic intimacy and care between individuals. Real or true friendship can be terms used to describe a healthy bond between two or more than two friends. It is a contribution to your mental health, many individuals may wonder how to cultivate this type of friendship.
A true friendship is someone who respects your boundaries, remains trustworthy, and shows you empathy.
True friendship makes us feel full of love and happiness, and that's a feeling you can't put a price on.
Nothing is as inspiring as the friendship and love of our best friends. They are the people who fill our lives with joy and make our bad days a little more bearable.
